
Google independent flat or affect other 4.0 system tablet sales

Taiwan PC industry news says, Google plans in the next 6 months issued the independent brand tablet Bmorn V11 computer Google Nexus, this model or with other PC brands will be released in the first half of next year's Android 4.0 tablet computer in conflict.
Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt (Eric Schmidt) recently in an interview with the Italian media best tablet laptop about Google's Google Nexus tablet PC roadmap. Other PC brands will also cooperate with Google released "ice cream sandwich" tablet computer system.
Sources said, Cube U10GT Taiwan PC industry for Google independent tablet computer of most worried about is that it will run Android 4.1 system, and the other PC brands in the first half of next year's model is introduced to run Android 4.0 system, which will bring about the Android tablet computer consumers buy a delayed effect.
Asus has been selling the Android 4.0 tablet computer, acer and lenovo will also be released early next year best tablet laptop to contrast asus product model. When the new system are available, Android 4.0 model will upgrade to Android 4.1 products. But iPad tablet computer in the rule of the market and cheap Kindle Fire, Nook success forced the release of the PC manufacturers to reassess their part of the tablet computer strategy.
Sources said, acer recently best tablet laptop decided to adjust its product line and within three years the line concise two-thirds. The decision to tablet computer industry is a warning.

