
Small profit margins of the living law

Almost all high-tech companies, the Internet company's bigwigs are the "innovation" is the word lip. The best tablet laptop store question is, close to the "innovative" label box in the end what? Factors of each company's innovation and which is different from how they are activated?If Apple's innovative electronic products, it can lead the trend, Google's innovations continued into the new areas to make it, break the industry's Collage frame, Amazon's innovation is much more "civilian."

IT was once the famous American magazine "Information Week"
best tablet laptop store as the CTO of the wholesale android tablet review year 2008, Werner said that the standards in the Amazon is only one measure of innovation: the customer experience.Amazon has just launched in the U.S. shoe business, they found that many customers purchase size is a problem, so the company allows customers to purchase two pairs of a style different sizes, try on a pair of left by the most appropriate, the other a pair of free return . This little innovation has received a good customer experience.

Amazon's vice president of worldwide
best tablet laptop store operations Marc revealed details of a difficult note, in the Amazon distribution of goods "delivery date" column, and shows commitment to date, not the delivery date. Because when sent, this is most concerned about customers.If you open the star technology companies over the books, you will find close to Amazon's profit margin is only 5%, while Google is 29% profit margin, Apple is 28%, Facebook is also expected to have 30%.

